Thursday, October 22, 2009


Letting go of the things I can't control

Letting go of the people who's harsh feelings seems to constantly unfold

Letting go of the what if's and standing strong on the what will become

Letting go of the word we call "Haters" cause honestly it's just a thing that some people are made of

Letting go and Letting God take over me, so farewell to you, it seems so overdue

P3AC3. . .



Follow your dreams, no matter what I will forever succeed, this college life is almost over, but MY life is just beginning...

I don't know where I'll be in the next few years. . .Just know I'll be SUCCESSFUL in the next few years.

They said I was crazy 2 move away from home, little do they know I'm doing this on my own, next move out of TX is the plan 4 me, so worry bout u & trust. . . I got ME!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

. . . I don't remember feeling like this.

Just know that it's a good thing

Just know that you're the provider of this feeling

Just know that time spent apart, does magic to my heart

Your last words spoken when we departed from our own little word let me know that you were mines & I was definitely yours

it's funny cause. . .

How do I feel the way I do, well honestly it's all because of you. . .

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

If you look closely, maybe you can tell me what you really see

If you look closer, tell me if I'm missing anything

If you look closer, what are the chances were seeing the same thing

If you look closer, maybe my eyes are decieving me

If you look closer, you'll see the beauty within the sky,

If you look closer, you'll see heaven at it's peak, encrusted in God's land of peace

If you look closer, you'll see many things

. . . or then again you can tell me if I'm missing anything, so I ask you what do you really see?

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I often think about this topic. . .
I wonder when and where it will show up. . .
I often question if it'll be for me when it does show up. . .
I love seeing other ppl expressing their love. . .
Love is alive a well. . . if you get a chance in this life to experience it
God is amazing and his LOVE is unconditional. . .
& I know that one day I will recieve God's blessing to experience LOVE on this earth. . .
I am LOVE. . . LOVE is ME!

Opening Doors....

I'm looking forward to this semester... My summer wasn't as productive as I wanted it to be, but there's always a new day right ahead of you.
With this semester, I plan to venture out and do a lot of things, my friends are I are complete work-a-holics so I'm exicited on our new adventures..
When God closes one door, he opens another
I am blessed.
Ready for what this fall has in store for ME!

Outfits I Love Pt. 2

Ok so yes, it is Summer time ladies, and what better way to kick it off than with a cute short romper outfit.
I've seen many ladies attempt to pull off this ensemble, but Bee did it just right, with a 6'' heel to accomadate her look just right.
I love it!
Kudos to you Bee
P.s. I have an outfit close to this, but no shoes to go with, so I'll wait to wear it hopefully before the summer ends!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Outfits I love...

Bee always wows us and never to shy away from a good 5 or 6 inch stiletto, the suspender look is something different no one is doing that right now, so I like that it's different but still trendy as well. I'd rock it Bee!!
Keyshia Cole looked very pretty in this and I absolutely love that she didn't over accessorize. way to go Keysh!

More to come with Marge' fashion 101!!!

Ummm???? :/

Word is that their suppose to be getting their own reality show??? Like seriously???
As much as I enjoyed the Keyshia Cole show, I'm no too sure if that'll be a good look for Neffie and Frankie. They like to get, their words exactly : "Hyfie" or however it's spelled lol.
It'll be interesting and full of drama I'm sure but Idk if they will actually get picked up then again maybe they will. GOOD LUCK Ladies!


Even my girl the fabulous KIMORA belives in peace!!! Let's all give it try, who knows you just might like it!!! Enjoy


Sunday, May 10, 2009

So it's 3am...

And I seem to be in no way on the path to dream land. . .

At the moment I am . . .

Watching Cheaters LOL complete ba-foonery (this dude is crying hella hard) classic girl cheat with bf brother

Eating the last of my Starbucks Caramel Miachiatto Ice-cream (yummy)

Wondering why the heck the girl next door (in my dorm) snores louder than a man?

Laughing at the weirdo who keeps calling my phone to only get the voicemail, especially after the midnight hour (so disrespectful... you've just been deleted) jerk ; >

Extremely comfortable in my bed (should wrap my hair before I fall asleep)

Hope the weather goes back to sunny and warm instead of wet and cold in May (but Tx weather is so unpredictable)

Can't get this song out of my head (Lady Gaga poker face)

Keeps getting side track frm my blog to watch Cheater's

Contemplating if I should get my eyebrows waxed or threadded tomorrow?

Thanking God that my friend and I are stil alive (almost got into a head on collision tonight) talk about scary...

Wishing I was at home with my mommy for mother's day :(

Saying Goodnit

Friday, May 8, 2009

Is this National exploit your body month?

I kind of feel like maybe they did'nt think the pictures would ever get out of their personal posessions, but then again I kinda question exactly how do these intimate personal pics get out?
Smh, I honestly don't know what to say, first Cassie now Rihanna... WE GOT TO DO BETTER!

What's Real?

just something I wrote in my journal today...random

How does one become one with themself, is it the question of uncertanity that keeps us all on our toes, or is it the possibility of being undefeatable that makes us feel right at home.

Nothing is life is worth having if you haven't worked for it, I'm not a believer of handouts, I'm a believer of being able to say I did it and made it happen on my own.

Material things mean nothing of self worth, true I am only human and I do like handbags and shoes like any other girl would, but I'm not subjected to labels.

What's real is when you can honestly and openly accept the person you really are and not lower yourself to be what other's may want you to be.

&& that's What's Real