Thursday, October 22, 2009


Letting go of the things I can't control

Letting go of the people who's harsh feelings seems to constantly unfold

Letting go of the what if's and standing strong on the what will become

Letting go of the word we call "Haters" cause honestly it's just a thing that some people are made of

Letting go and Letting God take over me, so farewell to you, it seems so overdue

P3AC3. . .



Follow your dreams, no matter what I will forever succeed, this college life is almost over, but MY life is just beginning...

I don't know where I'll be in the next few years. . .Just know I'll be SUCCESSFUL in the next few years.

They said I was crazy 2 move away from home, little do they know I'm doing this on my own, next move out of TX is the plan 4 me, so worry bout u & trust. . . I got ME!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

. . . I don't remember feeling like this.

Just know that it's a good thing

Just know that you're the provider of this feeling

Just know that time spent apart, does magic to my heart

Your last words spoken when we departed from our own little word let me know that you were mines & I was definitely yours

it's funny cause. . .

How do I feel the way I do, well honestly it's all because of you. . .